Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I really really need to work on my anger management.
Kesel banget ga bisa nemu vitamin karena dompet obat gue dibongkar. Dan gue lupa masukin lagi.
ya ampun kesel banget.
ini gue ngetik sambil ngetawain diri gue sendiri tapi kesalnya tapi terhinggaaaaaaaa.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Heya Brain

How do we get into each other head?
Do you know what I meant?
Some ideas developed by other's brain affecting your life, merely because you put a thought on his/her's idea.
Let me put on examples: 

My brother said my bedroom were haunted. I tell the story to my girlfriend, than she get anxious by it and began to put connection that the ghosts were attracted to stay over because of the small aquarium I have in the corner of my desk. 
Then her response, growing on me, despite the other reasons of my difficulty to sleep, the idea of the ghosts worries me. It drew the other actions, like my girlfriend starting to put a clove of garlic nearby the aquarium to shoo away the spirit. 
Hence I get a bit worked up because of it. I like my fishes but I don't like it if the presence made my girlfriend uncomfortable.
The situation was caused by the idea of my dreamy brother, creating a form of chain of acts.

Imagine this, in a day, you've met a dozen of people lets say.  Those 12 individuals actions and thoughts provoke you, driven you mad.
I don't know about other's head. For me, these small acts from others driven me nuts. 
I got easily worked up by other's actions. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Roti kalau tawar sih enak.
Kalau hati yang tawar itu baru ga enak.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Dear self

I'll coax myself to get a long with the world. Stay on the positive side. Believing that somehow this is the better. And somewhat a definition on maturity. Adulting.

Lets make it simple

Never again

Monday, February 13, 2017

aku tikus nyingnyingnya dia

me: bebee...ini orang mukanya kaya ayam ya? 
her: hahahhaa. heh. jahat!
me: hihihi. beneraan. Eh kalau aku binatang, aku kaya apa?
her: tikus nyingnying.

*tikus nying-nying - tikus curut - binatang pengerat buta yang memiliki bau khas yang konon mitosnya kalau ada di rumah berarti si empu rumah mau dapat rezeki.

bahasa baru

yang, yang....(mengkembang-kempiskan hidung)
oh...(hidungnya si bebe kembang kempis juga)

*ini kami lagi ngobrol. Pakai bahasa idung

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


setiap hari, sebelum kami semua pergi keluar dari rumah, 
Ibu akan mengumpulkan kami dan membacakan doa.
Selalu sama setiap kali.
"Tuhan jadikanlah kami manusia seturut kehendakMu"

Aku pernah bertanya,
Kenapa doamu begitu Bu?

Supaya kalian tau, yang berkuasa atas hidup kalian itu Tuhan.
Dan sebelum kalian mau nakal, kalian bisa berfikir dulu, apakah itu kehendak Tuhan atau kalian sendiri.

Rama kawula ing swarga
Asma Dalem kaluhurna
Karaton Dalem mugi rawuha
Karsa Dalem kalampahana
wonten ing donya kados ing swarga
kawula nyuwun rejeki kangge sapunika
sakathahing lepat nyuwun pangapunten dalem
kados dene anggen kawula ugi ngapunten dhateng sesami
kawula nyuwun tinebihna saking panggodha
saha linuwarna saking piawon


jangan kau kasih makan terus itu egomu
lama-lama lapar terus, rakus 
dimakan juga kau nantinya.