Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Each time I went spiralling, this mf inside me insisted to fight back. Saying that a days is merely 24hrs and it keep ticking away.
Life is a measure of many variables, so maybe tommorow will be a different script for me. Hang on there, woman.

Tahun ini:

1. Sertifikasi HR (ke-2)!
2. Bikin kamar mandi untuk mama
3. Help kitty birthing
4. Numbuhin kacang ijo
5. Ke psikolog dan nemenin kakak gue ke psikolog
6. Bayarin les keponakan and they're grateful for it
7. Lolos dari covid, termasuk semua anggot keluarga dekat (mama ces, 3 besties and fams , kakak, mama, abang, keponakan2, tmn2 kantor)
8. Learning to master my fear, nyetir mobil lagi.
9. Nemenin ces beli mobil pertama! Yay.
10. Gue dan ces 9th barengan.
11. Dealing with the past. 
12. Most of the time feeling contents
13. Nerima kabar terminasi dgn baik
14. Fighting for TBF interest for staff (good job)